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The Best Place for Candid Conversations with Peers about Core CEO Issues

Thought-provoking discussions about how to best tackle the ongoing challenges every chief executive faces: strategy, talent, governance, operations, and unexpected local & global disruptions.

Increase Business Performance, Economic Growth, and the Quality of Life in Rhode Island

Unique Value
Exclusive Chief Executives Only: Chief Executive Officer, President, Executive Director, Managing Director, Managing Partner, Owner, or the top executive of an out-of-state company with P&L responsibility for a Rhode Island-area workforce. No substitutes, no staff permitted.
Confidential All meetings and events provide a uniquely safe, off the record and confidential environment for chief executives, where peers can candidly discuss their strategic challenges and share what is working, what is not, and potential solutions.
Peer CEOs Members are always seated with their peers—those with similar-sized workforces and deal with similar leadership-level challenges. Peer groups range from owners of small businesses to CEOs of large companies leading thousands of employees.
Local+Beyond Rhode Island CEO Council members are locally-based chief executives who come together to discuss and address common and unique challenges and identify the strategic actions that will help achieve better results.
  Rhode Island CEO Council members also have direct access to meetings and members of all other state CEO Councils.
Options Choose the level of engagement best tailored to your needs:  • Local/in-person CEO Wisdom Exchanges,  • Remote/online CEO Wisdom Exchanges,  • Accel Advisory Board Membership,  • Leadership Mastery Coaching Services,  • Peer Introductions,  • Other Members Services & Benefits, etc.
CEO Led We are a membership organization formed by CEOs for CEOs. We are accountable to our members and deliver the highest value possible for the time they invest in meetings and events.

What Members are Saying

Peer Perspectives

“Nobody outside the CEO role gets the complexities of what we deal with; everyone in The Rhode Island CEO Council gets it. And thanks to the members of my Accel Advisory Board I’ve been able to tackle some big challenges very effectively." See actual Case Studies

“I feel that I have received exceptional value for the time and money invested. Participating in CEO Wisdom Exchanges keep me focused on the big picture and I know I always have somewhere to go for unbiased advice when tackling high-impact strategic leadership challenges.”

“The impact the members of my Accel Advisory Board have had on me is remarkable—my productivity has increased, my stress is going down, my overall life satisfaction is on the rise, and my board is happy as EBITDA is now exceeding expectations.” See actual Case Studies

“The CEO Council is a stunningly effective forum for CEOs where I can safely engage in candid conversations with local peers to learn what they are doing and thinking, receive unbiased advice, and hear about new and evolving best practices. It is quickly becoming the single most valuable organization that I belong to.”

“I was skeptical at first about the time required and felt I was already doing a pretty good job leading my company. My assumptions were wrong—participation in The Rhode Island CEO Council has proven to be an exceptionally valuable use of my time. My Accel Advisory Board, a great group of experienced CEOs are totally dedicated to each other’s success and have helped me get much better than expected results”

“I have been participating in the CEO Wisdom Exchanges and an Accel Advisory Board and find both to be extremely valuable. The candid dialogue with peers has provided me with great insights as I tackle the tough issues I face as the leader of a rapidly growing company.”

“The monthly CEO Wisdom Exchange meetings are consistently excellent; the FireSide Chats keep me up to date with the latest leadership thinking and the break-out peer discussions often generate valuable insights about meeting topic.”

“My Accel Advisory Board has been invaluable. Together we’ve untangled some pretty knotty problems and it makes such a difference to have a group of people you trust, like, and respect looking out for you.”  See some of the problems that were untangled.

Big Challenges, Deep Wisdom, Better Results

— Learn More —

Membership Details         CEO Wisdom Exchange         Accel Advisory Board         Leadership Mastery Coaching

— Official Partners, Sponsors, & Suppliers of The Rhode Island CEO Council —

Deloitte Envision Newberry PR Brazier Society of WaterFire  All The Answers 

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