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Event Details

Rhode Island
CEO Council

Increasing Business Performance, Economic Growth, and Quality of Life in Rhode Island

— Past Event —

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Rhode Island CEO Exchange

What Successful Businesses Do Differently in Rhode Island


7:00am      Doors open for sign-in, coffee, & buffet breakfast
Peer Networking & Confidential Conversations

7:20am      Peer Introductions
Introductions of Peers at your table

7:30am      Welcome
Opening Remarks

7:35am      FireSide Chat with Cheryl Merchant
CEO Council Director Tony Martignetti interviews Cheryl Merchant, CEO of Taco Comfort Systems, about what she sees as unique-to-RI leadership practices that helped her lead two mid-sized RI employers to become more successful

8:00am      Roundtable Discussions
Engage with your peers—discuss common strategic challenges and what is and is not working, allowing a wide range of perspectives to be heard

8:25am      Facilitated Q&A and group conversation with Cheryl Merchant
Receive Insights & Actionable Ideas on what business strategies might best position your organization for maximum success as a Rhode Island based organization.

8:55am      Closing Remarks
Acknowledgements, feedback, & information about our August 24 CEO Exchange

9:00am      Adjourn
Leave with actionable ideas and knowing guidance on how to make the best decisions for your business

— Official Partners, Sponsors, & Suppliers of The Rhode Island CEO Council —

Deloitte Envision Newberry PR Brazier Society of WaterFire  All The Answers 

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