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Event Details

Rhode Island
CEO Council

Increasing Business Performance, Economic Growth, and Quality of Life in Rhode Island

— Past Event —

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Rhode Island CEO Exchange

The State of Business in the State of Rhode Island


7:00am      Doors open for sign-in, coffee, & buffet breakfast
Peer Networking & Confidential Conversations

7:20am      Peer Introductions
Learn about each chief executive sitting at your table

7:30am      Robert Fiske, CEO of the Rhode Island CEO Council
Opening Remarks

7:35am      Daniel McKee, Governor of Rhode Island
Gov. Dan McKee will engage in a candid conversation with RI CEO Council Director, Aimée DuVall Phelps, about the state of business in the state of Rhode Island and what his administration is doing and plans to do to increase business and economic growth in RI.

8:00am      Break-out Session
Engage with Your Peers in a Confidential Discussion (at your pre-assigned table). Discuss and create a prioritized list of one or more strategic recommendations for our state government—what you and your peers believe is needed to help our businesses and nonprofits become more successful and create more opportunities & economic growth for all who call Rhode Island home.

8:45am      Closing Remarks
Acknowledgements, feedback, & information about our upcoming CEO Exchanges

9:00am      Adjourn
Leave with actionable ideas and knowing that the Strategic Recommendations you and peers identified will be consolidated into a single document that will be delivered to Governor McKee, Senate President Ruggerio, House Speaker Shekarchi, and the Providence Business News.

— Official Partners, Sponsors, & Suppliers of The Rhode Island CEO Council —

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