Rhode Island
CEO Council
Big Challenges, Deep Wisdom, Better Results
Thursday May 5, 2022
Finding and Retaining the Right Talent in 2022
7:00am Doors open for sign-in
Breakfast Buffet & Private
7:20am Peer Introductions
Introductions of Peers
at your table
7:30am Welcome
Opening Remarks
7:35am Mike Zani
CEO Council Director Aimée DuVall Phelps
Mike Zani,
CEO of The Predictive Index, about talent acquisition and
retention and uncovers what is working in Mike’s company and in
many of The Predictive Index’s client organizations
7:55am Roundtable Discussions
Engage with your peers—discuss
the common workforce challenges you share
and what is and isn't working, allowing a wide range of perspectives to be heard
8:15am Q&A with Mike Zani
Receive Insights &
Actionable Ideas on how you can best address the most
pressing workforce challenges you and the peers at your table
are facing
8:25am Closing
Acknowledgements, feedback, &
information about our June 9 CEO Briefing
8:30am Adjourn
Leave with actionable ideas and
knowing guidance on how to make the best decisions for your