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Case Studies

Rhode Island
CEO Council

Increasing Business Performance, Economic Growth, and Quality of Life in Rhode Island

Case Study Details

Big Challenges, Deep Wisdom, Better Results

A The CEO of a growing, multi-state retailer was planning a bold move to transform the business. However his executive team and investors had expressed serious concerns about timing, cost, cultural impact, and potentially negative impact on EBITDA. The CEO presented this to the members of his Accel Advisory Board; they asked deep questions, identified potential blind spots, and offered several practical ideas and some invaluable strategic advice. After some follow-up calls with members of his Accel Advisory Board to clarify the the advice he has received, the CEO put together a strategic plan that gained the support of his executive team and investors; he then communicated the changes to the company's employees in a way that created a breakthrough in mindsets and behaviors. The result was a positive change in the company culture, a significant increase in employee engagement, and the desired impact on EBlTDA – making the new strategy a major success.

B The CEO of manufacturer of consumer and business products was planning to replace a long-time distributer in Asia with a newly-formed, company-owned distributer. He brought this to his Accel Advisory Board requesting ideas on how he could make this change without the current distributor becoming a competitive threat. Questions were asked and insightful ideas were generated which were used to refine the original plan. The new plan was then implemented and resulted in higher than planned revenues, no lost customers, and a civil business relationship with the former Asian distributor.

C The CEO of an manufacturer of electronic equipment was facing a decision of whether to go down-scale on a high-end consumer product or stay high-end. Using the DeepDive™ process, the members of his Accel Advisory Board helped him contrast the pros and cons of each option and identify the data and research he would need to make the best decision. The outcome was a clear cut, well thought through decision that the CEO worked through with his leadership team and consequently resulted in quickly achieving desired revenue goals.

D The CEO of an exceptional fast growth software and IT services company asked her Accel Advisory Board for their ideas on how to set “nesting” performance metrics so leaders would focus on “big rocks” versus “sand.” The Accel Advisory Board members shared various models and experience they had used to deal with this issue and provide specific suggestions that might work in the CEOs company. The CEO then created new "nested" metrics that helped her leaders sort out the urgent from the important.

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